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Are We Tired of Hating People Yet?

Are We Tired of Hating People Yet?

Yesterday was a day to remember.  A day to tell our stories & take stock, not just of that day, but of the 20 years since.  Where are we today vs where we were then.

When the article A Question for the 20th Anniversary of 9/11: Are We Tired of Hating People Yet?  popped up on my social feed it caught my eye. It is what my spirit fears most right now, the hatred and division that is swelling in our nation and very frankly in our churches.  I expect this from the world, but not from my brothers & sisters within the body of believers.

If 9/11 taught us anything it should have been how much can be lost in a very short period of time on an otherwise very ordinary sort of a day.  It taught us we are better and stronger when we come together to rescue, to heal and to rebuild. 

We continue to praise the bravery of those who jumped into action that day to aid their fellow (wo)man.  Hundreds of stories of strangers helping strangers, careing for wounded, assisting other to safety and even giving their lives to save & rescue others.  We admire self-sacrificing service to others. It makes us feel like the good in people is stronger than the bad in the world.

After all the greatest example of this was Jesus himself.  He washed his disciples’ feet and taught us what service leadership looks like.  He taught us that in his kingdom the last shall be first, and the first shall be last.  We love that verse…when it works to our favor.  But I want to challenge you to go back & read the full parable again in Matthew 20.  Are you feeling like the first hired workers?

We are living in a time where self-sacrifice is being drowned out by a battle to define freedom and individual rights. Politics and religion are being merged in this battle.  And it is dangerous for the church.  Don’t get me wrong.  If you are called to be politically active and represent Christian values in politics, we need you to follow that calling.  But realize the enemy is strong in that arena & you must gird yourself up with spiritual armor daily to keep yourself free of the temptations of influence & position.

For the rest of us, yes, vote your conscious. Yes, write letters, sign petitions and peacefully protest for issues that matter to you, but do not attach your faith to any political party.  And…here is the biggy…do not expect ANY politician or political party to “fix” it (whatever your particular it is). 

Did you ever think about the fact that the Jewish nation does not recognize Jesus as their Messiah because he did not restore the kingdom of David to its former political glory or achieve victory in battle against Israel’s enemies?  Jesus chose not to enter the political arena or raise a militia to fight the systems of the day.  Instead, Jesus lived a perfect life of grace & compassion for all people and model a different way of living. At the end of his time on earth he gave himself over to an unjust political system to be tortured and killed as the ultimate sacrifice for us.  His greatest act of love stripped him of his rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  He didn’t put up a fight or a defense to prove himself.  He sacrificed it all, willingly.

You may be thinking, yeah, but I’m not Jesus.  I’m not that brave.  Then maybe consider one last question.  In Mark 12:17 Jesus says “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”  Another verse that gets quoted a lot when it fits our own agenda.  And again, when we go back & read the whole story this verse is talking about much more than money.  Jesus’ response to the challenge of the Pharisees invites His listeners to choose allegiances.  What are you choosing to render to the world & what are you rendering to God?

What about your allegiance?  Are you loyal to a party, or a person, or only to God?  Should we even identify ourselves as a Republican, Democrat or Independent or should we simply identify ourselves as a Christian void of political party? 

Where do you seek wisdom?  Do you only seek it from news media, social media, friends or influencers that think like you do or are you seeking the scriptures, spending time in prayer and listening to the Holy Spirit to establish your opinions & positions? 

What about your time & talents?  Are you consumed with being right and choosing sides or are you using your voice to encourage, offer grace, bring hope, build unity and grow God’s kingdom?  Are you investing your gifts and talents in sacrificial service of others?

I’m tired of hating people.  I’m tired of being consumed by the patterns of this world.  I’m ready to be transformed by the renewing of my mind so I can know what God’s will is. (Romans 12)

He warned us that in this world we will have troubles.  But we can take heart because He has overcome the world! (John 16)

I want to love the Lord my God with all of my heart, all of my soul, and all of my mind.  I want to love my neighbor even better than myself.  Because the scripture and my Spirit tell me everything else hangs on these two commands. (Matthew 22)

Will you join me?

After all we are better and stronger when we come together to rescue, to heal and to rebuild. 

IWD 2021

IWD 2021

International Women’s Day 2021

For International Women’s Day 2021 and beyond will you #ChooseToChallenge​?

You are not the oppression of the past
I believe that you are so much Greater
Choose to create history,

not to be created by it
Choose to challenge

“Choose to Challenge” by Anisa Nandaula

As Christian women in a post Christian culture I pray that we will choose to challenge not as the wolrd does. Through hate, through denigrative speech, through division, through oppresion of those who don’t believe what we do. I pray that we will challenge they way Jesus taught us to, with love, compassion and grace. Standing up for those who are devalued and persecuted. Meeting people where they are. Not condeming them, but showing them the truth of God’s love.

Join The Conversation

Join The Conversation

I am one of those people who hang in the background to gather information & get a feel for the room before I make my presence known or enter in on a conversation.  This comes from my Peacemaker 9 personality.  I hold back because I do not want to offend. 

But…there comes a time when we must all take a stand, enter the arena and be part of the solution.  I believe this to be one of those times but I feel a bit at a loss of knowing exactly what to do. 

The first thing I know to do is PRAY.  As I’ve prayed about this I’ve been reminded that I’m created with a purpose & intentionally made.  I need to embrace this fact & not overlook my gifts.  I gather information before stepping in.  Maybe you are same way, or maybe you are looking for a way to enter the arena.  If so this is for you.

I’ve been listening to a lot of social media post in the last few weeks.  The problem I’m finding is social media is often filled with opinion & emotion that is not always healthy & seldom grounded in the word of God.  Below are links to some good resources & conversations from around the internet that I want to invite you to listen in on.  These influencers are inspiring me to be better.  I pray that they will help shape us individually to be a part of the larger solution.


I’ll keep posting below as I come across more uplifting and productive conversations.  Please join me in sharing the conversations you are finding that are speaking truth & touching you by adding them to the comments below.


“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”               -Mark 12:30-31

Race, Injustice, and the Gospel of Critical Theory

Well, That Escalated Quickly: A Conversation About Race With Franchesca Ramsey

Phil Vischer: Holy Post – Race in America

Emmanuel Acho: Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man

Mandisa: Happy Day of #Pentecost!



Dance Party

Dance Party

It is the start of a new week.  And the last week has felt like a month, can I get an Amen?

Ecclesiastes 3 tells us there is a time for everything, a season for every activity under the heavens.  I propose it is time to switch from mourning to dancing!

Let’s start a dance party up in here.  Post a song below in the comments that get’s you on your feet & moving!


Keep it going…

Fun Night

Fun Night

Anybody else feel like it is been an incredibly looooooooooooooooooong week?

Well it’s finally the weekend and it’s time to take a breathe and have some fun. Turn off the news & social feeds. Clean off the kitchen table & dust off your old board games.

Share some laughs & be silly for a little while.

What are your favorite games to play?

Kids’ Activities

Kids’ Activities

Are you already stressing about what you are going to do with your kids on their “extended spring break” while practicing Social Distancing?

A new routine (or lack there of) is sure to cause some amount of stress in every home.  You are not a bad parent because your kids are getting on your nerves or driving you crazy saying they’re bored.  There is safety & security in the pattern of our routines, for both children & adults.  And when those routines get interrupted, everyone feels a little less secure.

Grace & planning are going to be your friends during this time.  Give yourself, & everyone around you, the grace of time to figure things out.  Things won’t be perfect on the first day. 

Sit down together and make a plan.  Take some time to hear each person’s concerns & fears and address them.  If your child’s biggest concern is missing friends, consider giving them a certain amount of facetime to stay connected.

Spend some time clarifying expectations.  Establish some structure to your days by setting specific times to read, play games, study, do a craft project, watch TV, eat lunch.  Maybe even make a schedule to put on the fridge.  This way everyone knows what to expect & you can find new security in new patterns & routine.

Maybe specific times sounds too restrictive for your household.  Then don’t assign times but make a list of say 3 things we want to do today.  We want to complete homework, make lunch together & read a book.  Then have a reward at the end if they all get accomplished that day.  Make it work for your household & the people in it.

Remember that keeping your family healthy through social distancing does not mean you are alone or without resources.  I’ve been seeing some amazing options popping up all over social media.  Help me build a compiled list for easy reference by jumping over to  Watch the list grow & come back often for fresh ideas.

I’ve been seeing some amazing options popping up all over social media.  Help me build a compiled list for easy reference by sharing your resources in the comments below.  I’ll continue to add your suggestions to the Pinterest Board so you can easily search for ideas when you need them. Watch the list grow & come back often for fresh ideas.