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Join The Conversation

by | Jun 2, 2020

I am one of those people who hang in the background to gather information & get a feel for the room before I make my presence known or enter in on a conversation.  This comes from my Peacemaker 9 personality.  I hold back because I do not want to offend. 

But…there comes a time when we must all take a stand, enter the arena and be part of the solution.  I believe this to be one of those times but I feel a bit at a loss of knowing exactly what to do. 

The first thing I know to do is PRAY.  As I’ve prayed about this I’ve been reminded that I’m created with a purpose & intentionally made.  I need to embrace this fact & not overlook my gifts.  I gather information before stepping in.  Maybe you are same way, or maybe you are looking for a way to enter the arena.  If so this is for you.

I’ve been listening to a lot of social media post in the last few weeks.  The problem I’m finding is social media is often filled with opinion & emotion that is not always healthy & seldom grounded in the word of God.  Below are links to some good resources & conversations from around the internet that I want to invite you to listen in on.  These influencers are inspiring me to be better.  I pray that they will help shape us individually to be a part of the larger solution.


I’ll keep posting below as I come across more uplifting and productive conversations.  Please join me in sharing the conversations you are finding that are speaking truth & touching you by adding them to the comments below.


“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”               -Mark 12:30-31

Race, Injustice, and the Gospel of Critical Theory

Well, That Escalated Quickly: A Conversation About Race With Franchesca Ramsey

Phil Vischer: Holy Post – Race in America

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